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The Importance of Evidence in a Domestic Violence Case

At the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz We Offer a Free Initial Consultation, Free Case Evaluation, and Will Only Charge a 25% Contingency Fee When a Case Is Settled or Resolved Without a Lawsuit Being Filed.
bag of evidence for case

Domestic violence is a global epidemic. In fact, according to 2018 statistics, roughly 10 million men and women in the US alone are victims of domestic violence annually. Abusive relationship dynamics are a detriment to both the victims and society as the numbers continue to grow.

However, just as there are many legitimate domestic violence cases, there are also many false claims filed each year. This is why it’s important to understand how to properly gather evidence to protect your rights in the event that you find yourself wrongly accused.

Defining Domestic Violence

Domestic violence typically involves abuse between people in an intimate relationship but also can be violence towards a child or among siblings. Domestic disputes impact every demographic and can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony.

What Counts as Domestic Abuse Evidence?

Domestic violence is an umbrella term with subcategories, including verbal, sexual, emotional, and physical abuse. If the victim works, withholding finances can also be considered domestic abuse.

Domestic violence can be committed by both parties, which is known as common couple violence. Violence resistance, also known as “self-defense”, is a common case that also requires proof in court.

Gathering Necessary Evidence

Proper documentation determines if there’s a solid case or opinion-based testimony. Without proper evidence, a domestic violence case may never come to fruition. This also means that if you’ve been wrongfully accused of domestic violence, the victim must present proper evidence to support their claims.

Standard evidence includes:

  • Harassment via email/text message
  • Incriminating Facebook posts
  • Pictures of bruises or broken items
  • Domestic related medical records
  • Police reports

The Law Offices of Reuben Ortiz Can Help

For countless years, our team of experienced El Paso criminal defense attorneys has been helping those who have been wrongfully accused protect their rights. At the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz, we know how to build a strong case to help protect your freedom.

If you’ve been wrongfully accused of domestic violence, time is of the essence. Give our team a call today (915) 308-8850 to learn more about how we can help with your situation over a free consultation.
