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Slip and Fall Accidents & Premises Liability

At the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz We Offer a Free Initial Consultation, Free Case Evaluation, and Will Only Charge a 25% Contingency Fee When a Case Is Settled or Resolved Without a Lawsuit Being Filed.

The number of slip and fall accidents rises nationally during the winter thanks to adverse weather conditions. Unfortunately, Texas suffers the same fate, as wet weather contributes to unsafe conditions outdoors. However, boots and umbrellas track rainwater and snow inside, which means unsavory weather conditions could cause slip and fall accidents indoors where property owners may be liable.

Property Owners & Duty of Care
Property owners have a duty of care to visitors, which means they must make and maintain safe environments for visitors. If property owners fail to keep their properties free of hazards, then they may be found liable for any injuries that stem from these hazards.

Therefore, property owners are responsible for injuries caused by puddles and other foreseeable slip and fall dangers on their properties.

Comparative Negligence in Slip-and-Fall Accidents
All personal injury claims are subject to evaluation due to a claimant’s role in the accident. If a claimant intentionally causes a slip and fall accident, he or she could face criminal charges for fraud.

However, as previously stated, property owners are required to maintain safe properties. Therefore, when a hazard injures a visitor, he or she may have the right to sue. Regardless of the situation leading up to the injury, the wounded should assume that the property owner won’t take responsibility for the incident.

Potential Recoveries from Premise Liability Claims
Premises liability claims can recover financial damages for the following:

  • Medical bills;
  • Lost wages;
  • Pain-and-suffering;
  • Punitive damages in gross negligence cases.

Contact a Texas Personal Injury Attorney
Claims resulting from slip-and-fall accidents could more valuable than you realize, but an experienced personal injury attorney could help you recover what you deserve. The Law Office of Ruben Ortiz in El Paso is ready to fight for your case.

Call (915) 308-8850 now for a free consultation for your case!