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Can I Sue My Child’s Bus Driver?

At the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz We Offer a Free Initial Consultation, Free Case Evaluation, and Will Only Charge a 25% Contingency Fee When a Case Is Settled or Resolved Without a Lawsuit Being Filed.

You put the safety of your kids in the hands of a bus driver every school day, but what happens when that driver acts negligently and injures your child? The Law Offices of Reuben Ortiz is here to explain if you can pursue recovery amounts on behalf of your child due to a bus driver’s negligence.

Explaining Duty of Care

Duty of care is a legal term that defines the responsibilities of a worker who is in control of the wellbeing of others. defines duty of care as “a requirement that a person act toward others and the public with the caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the same circumstances would use.”

Many job positions have a duty of care to others. For example, jailers have a duty of care to inmates, teachers have a duty of care to students, and bus drivers have a duty of care to passengers.

Therefore, if a bus driver acts negligently and breaks his or her duty of care, parents of children who are injured have the right to pursue personal injury claims.

Has Your Child Been the Victim of Negligence?

If a bus driver broke his or her duty of care and caused an accident as a result, you have the right to pursue just compensation on behalf of your child’s injuries.

A personal injury lawsuit can recover the following damages:

  • Medical bills;
  • Emotional damages;
  • Lost wages (in grave injury situations).

Attorney Reuben Ortiz is ready to fight for you and your child’s rights. Our award-winning representation gets results for our clients!

Call (915) 308-8850 now for a free consultation for your case.