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Texas juveniles need comprehensive criminal defense

At the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz We Offer a Free Initial Consultation, Free Case Evaluation, and Will Only Charge a 25% Contingency Fee When a Case Is Settled or Resolved Without a Lawsuit Being Filed.

Texas parents of children and teens who are accused of various crimes may assume that their age offers them some protection. Nothing could be further from the truth. Depending on the offense and the circumstances around it, punishments may not only be harsh, but some children may be tried as adults in the main criminal justice system, as opposed to juvenile court. For this reason, it is important for parents to consider a thorough criminal defense, which our team here at the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz have offered to many families in this exact predicament.

Though juvenile court is meant for children aged 10 to 17, kids as young as 14 may have to face  being tried as adults, depending on the offense of which they are accused of committing. The level of punishment in each system is vastly different, as juvenile court is focused on rehabilitating those who are convicted. Typical sentences include probation, community service or even repaying the victims in some form or fashion. Also, being detained at the Texas Juvenile Justice Department’s facility for youth is vastly different than a traditional prison. 

Our team has represented young clients for many different offenses, such as underage drinking, shoplifting and vandalism. Those kids who are accused of more serious crimes, such as specific weapon offenses or sex crimes, are most at risk for being tried as adults. Our goal is to keep these minors in juvenile court, giving them a better chance at a more positive future. 

Those families who are in need of defense for their child may find our page relating to juvenile criminal defense has answers to many of their questions. Our team at the Law Offices of Ruben Oritz is prepared to assist families with these important cases. The outcome can have a significant impact on a child’s future.

Source: Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz, “El Paso Juvenile Crimes Defense Attorney“, , Oct. 4, 2014