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Man faces drunk driving charges after El Paso accident

At the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz We Offer a Free Initial Consultation, Free Case Evaluation, and Will Only Charge a 25% Contingency Fee When a Case Is Settled or Resolved Without a Lawsuit Being Filed.

Drunk driving arrests occur in cities throughout the state of Texas each day. There are a variety of catalysts behind those arrests. Sometimes checkpoints are setup. Other times law enforcement pulls a driver over as a result of the way in which their car is operating on roads. On other occasions, drunk driving arrests come after a motor vehicle accident occurs.

A 33-year-old man was arrested last month in El Paso after one such crash. The single vehicle accident occurred when the driver lost control of his car. A passenger in the vehicle at the time of the crash was injured in the incident which necessitated the amputation of a finger.

The driver was arrested as a result of what law enforcement officers described as “numerous signs of intoxication.” He was charged with intoxicated assault with a vehicle causing serious bodily injury. The signs of intoxication were not laid out and it is unclear whether the police responding to the scene performed a field sobriety test or the man consented to a Breathalyzer test. These factors could influence the way in which the man defends himself against these charges.

While the circumstances surrounding drunk driving arrests vary, all criminal charges involving drunk driving need to be taken seriously. In addition to license suspension and hefty fines, a DWI conviction could result in prison time. Working with a lawyer who routinely handles these types of cases is usually the best way to avoid conviction or, in the alternative, minimize the consequences.

Source: El Paso Times, “Driver arrested after East El Paso rollover crash seriously injures passenger,” Adriana M. Chávez, Aug. 26, 2013