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Study shines light on reasons behind texting and driving

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Texting while driving has been shown to slow drivers’ reaction times even more than drunk driving. Texting behind the wheel is a significant car accident risk, and it has been banned in many states but not here in Texas. Although texting while driving is not completely outlawed by the state of Texas, texting can and does still lead to distracted driving accidents, and those who cause such accidents may be held responsible.

In states where texting while driving is banned, many drivers disobey the bans. A study recently suggested that 80 percent of college students text and drive, even though they admit that they are aware of the risks.

Previous studies have shown that almost 50 percent of adults text and drive.

This more recent study found that male college students are more likely to text behind the wheel than female students. Researchers concluded that many males downplay the risks of texting because they think that they are better drivers than others.

Two researchers, Garold Lantz and Sandra Loeb were quoted by Business Insider explaining: “There seems to be a mentality that use of electronic devices is dangerous for everyone but ‘me.'”

Of course, texting while driving is dangerous for all drivers. It is also dangerous for all passengers, and everyone else on the roads and near the roads. When a person decides to text and drive, they are putting many others at risk.

While it is not yet outlawed for all drivers in Texas, it is important to recognize the risks of texting and driving for what they truly are. Someone who is texting while driving raises his or her risk of getting into a wreck by 23 times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported that more than nine people are killed every day in the U.S. due to distracted driving; 3,000 teenagers die because of texting and driving every year.

Texas drivers need to take these risks seriously. Those who are injured by texting drivers should seek legal advice about their rights.

Source: Business Insider, “80% of College Students Text And Drive Even Though It’s Worse Than Driving Drunk,” Michael Kelley Oct. 13, 2013