Family Based Immigration in Texas
Seek Legal Assistance from Our El Paso Immigration Lawyer
At the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz, one or our top priorities is uniting families through immigration. Since 1998, our El Paso attorney has handled a variety of family immigration cases and can help you determine the best option available to your family. We will review your situation and develop an effective and personalized strategy to get the results you want.
Types of Immigration Categories for Families
The Immigration and Nationality (INA) splits the immigration visas for family members of U.S. residents into two categories: Immediate Relative immigrant visas and Family Preference immigrant visas. The U.S. citizen must be at least 21 years of age to file for an Immediate Relative visa.
Immediate Relative visas refer to the following individuals:
- Spouses
- Parents
- Children under 21 years old
- Adopted orphans
There are no limits on the number of Immediate Relative visas it will grant in a given year.
Family Preference visas refer to the following individuals:
- Unmarried children or U.S. citizens who are older than 21 and their minor children
- Married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens
- Siblings of U.S. citizens and their minor children
- Spouses, minor children, and unmarried older children of Legal Permanent Residents
There is a fiscal year limit on the amount of Family Preference visas granted, with most allocated to the spouses and minor children of Legal Permanent Residents.
Call (915) 308-8850 for Experienced Legal Help Today
Our El Paso lawyer understands how complicated the immigration process is, as well as how long it can take. Fortunately, we are able to guide you through the complexities of the legal system and visa process to obtain the outcome you desire.
Contact us and schedule a consultation.
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