DUI Search and Seizure
Texas is an implied consent state, which means that when you drive here, you have given your implied consent to take breath or blood alcohol content (BAC) tests if the police pull you over on suspicion of drunk driving. If you refuse, your driver’s license will be suspended. However, you still have rights during a DUI/DWI stop. It is important to discuss your case with an attorney to determine whether your rights were violated.
There are certain phases of DUI stops that officers use: observing the person’s driving, conducting a personal interview, conducting field sobriety tests and making the arrest. Attorney Ruben Ortiz is certified to conduct field sobriety tests. He understands what police are required to do during DUI arrests and when conducting field sobriety tests. He will use his knowledge in this area to investigate your arrest and determine whether your rights were violated.
At the Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz, we represent people charged with DUI/DWI in Texas. If you have been the victim of illegal search and seizure during a DUI stop, we will work to exclude evidence that was illegally obtained. In many cases, this leads to the dismissal of the charges. Attorney Ortiz knows how to examine arrest reports and fight against constitutional rights violations. When necessary, he will take cases to trial to protect his clients’ rights.
We will investigate the arrest and police procedure.
The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides individuals with protection from unreasonable search and seizure. In DUI cases, this may mean that police cannot search you or your vehicle unless they have probable cause or you voluntarily waive your right to search and seizure protection.
Most people are not sure whether their rights were violated by law enforcement. A DUI arrest is a confusing, frightening experience. You may have felt as if you had to comply with everything the officer asked you to do. Police officers often rely on this response, as well as people’s lack of legal knowledge, to get information during a DUI stop. Speaking with an experienced lawyer is the best way to determine whether the police violated your rights.
Do Not Give Up. Speak With an Attorney.
Contact us today at (915) 308-8850 for a consultation with an El Paso DUI search and seizure defense lawyer.

I am definitely pleased and will recommend him to anyone who needs an attorney.
Mario Castillo -
I am very grateful to Mr. Ortiz and his friendly staff. I highly recommend him to anyone.
Former Client -
You did an excellent job, we were always well informed about everything what was going on
Sandra Pereyra